Silver Falls Park

Hey, guys!

So, as I did not mention in my last post, I was gone over the weekend because our family went to Oregon. 

There was this national shabbat thing going on that was pretty cool and we were planning to go to it for a while.

Turns out, the weekend it was on was my 17th birthday.

It was a little weird because I’ve never celebrated my birthday in the trailer, but it turned out to be awesome. We were near Silver Falls State Park and so we got to go hike around and take pictures.

Plus, I got an awesome camera bag so my camera has a neat little home now. 😀


And the siblings were super sweet with presents. Squink made me a little clay Horatio Hornblower, Isaiah got a little boat for me to put him in, James got a little toy Black Widow, Peter gave me chocolate (hey, can’t go wrong with that) and John and Daniel got me a Lego Dalek and Cyberman. 

Little fun things. ❤

Anyway, on to the pictures!

I got a little over 300 on the weekend sooo… *cough* there was some narrowing down to be done.


There were two bluejays and they both were scared of the noise my camera makes when it focuses, so this picture was rather hard won.



Along the path on the way to the waterfalls.



Right over the edge of South Falls.



That ledge is just so cool that it’s coming off of.



Wheee! Commence wiping off camera lens every few minutes as we go behind the waterfall.



And the other side!



Little side path I thought looked cool.

So, it was all foggy in the morning. Then we went back and took a break and it all burned off. So I got different lighting for the next hike. 🙂



Upper North Falls. (Is it just me or does it look like there’s the shadow of a giant next to it?)



The river.



And North falls! By far the biggest.

Yes, there were lots more pictures, but these ones probably summed up the park best. 🙂

There were other photo ops on the way back (Salem Riverfront Carousel and a lilac garden) but those shall be saved for other posts.

Hope you enjoyed!

What were your favorite pics? What waterfalls have you been to?

Please comment!


38 thoughts on “Silver Falls Park

  1. Lovely! Your pictures are always so beautiful. A lot of them look like they actually came out of my own fantasy worlds, especially the last one of the waterfall. 🙂

    1. Oh, wow! Cool! The pacific northwest is pretty awesome. 😀
      Yes! Daniel and I finished the first season and got 2 episodes into the second one. 🙂 It’s sort of on hold at the moment though. Littles poking around in the boxes and peeking over shoulders, so we had some freak-outs. 😛

      1. Oh my goodness, do not ask me *cries* I really like Prince Charming’s First Kiss, and Most Accurate Mood Ring. (tries really hard to choose) Oh, Three Wishes is great! And then there’s Scott Sterling . . . . Ugh. Tooo mannnnyyyyyy favoriittttttteeessss. I literally could list like twenty more.

        1. I KNOW. It’s so hard to decide. 😛
          Off the top of my head, I think I laughed the most at Google Translate, Evil Memory Lapse, Predictable Sherlock Holmes and Scott Sterling. (I actually did a ballad on Scott Sterling for schoolwork. XD )

  2. Ahhhh beautiful park. I really want to go there. And that first waterfall is like from a fantasy world or something.
    And you’re seventeen? Sheesh, why is everyone a year older than me. XD

    1. You should! It’s really beautiful. Just bring a coat if you’re coming in the morning. It’s a little cold. 😛
      Yep… Wow, I didn’t know you were younger than me. O_o It doesn’t feel like it.

      1. Yeah, I know, it doesn’t feel like it either. xD Both irl life and online people think I’m older than I really am. IT’S SO WEIRD.

        1. Weird. O_o
          Well, I always get taken for younger. Prolly cuz I’m short and don’t like wearing any makeup. 😛 Everyone thinks Daniel is older than me and Squink is my twin (though she is now taller than me… *sigh*)

          1. . . . And I’m pretty tall, and I don’t wear makeup either. xD Okay fine, maybe I do wear dark lip gloss/thing stuff, but yeah. Although with so many eleven year-olds wearing makeup nowadays . . . like wut even.

          2. So, we’d probably be taken for about the same age if seen together. XP

          3. Mhm, being seen together sounds wonderful. (And that sounded creepy. 0_o BUT YOU GET THE POINT. I WANT TO MEET YOU.)
            SERIOUSLY THOUGH. Show your beautiful smooth innocent skin while you can. Cover it up when it actually needs covering up, people.

          4. IKR?! *excitement* It would be so fun to meet blogging buds someday. 😀 We’re going on a roadtrip soon. Maybe we should email and work something out. 😉

          5. Idk if y’alls road trip would take you all the way down here, though. But still, we can hope for something. ;D

  3. Alright I think that these pictures are WONDERFUL, but can we take a moment to appreciate just how much of a fangirl moment Matt’s having in that gif and just….. I think I may be stealing this.

  4. Wow! That’s beautiful! 😀 I love the little path… by the way, that’s a scrub jay, not a blue jay 😉 Also, if you go into the settings on your camera you can turn off the beep-beep as you take the shot. If it was the sound of the camera actually just focusing, though… I don’t know what to tell you about that.

    1. Thanks! 😀
      Oh, is it? *looks it up* So it is. That’s the only vaguely blue jay bird I’ve seen around, so I always thought it was a bluejay. 😛
      Yeah, I know. But I don’t have time to fix it when it’s a problem, and I forget to when its not. So… XD

      1. I’m just such a bird nerd. 😛 I’m actually getting training to be a bird apologist and caretaker for raptors now!!! 😀 so I’m excited!
        Just make a note so that before you go on your next trip you can go into the settings and turn off the beep-beep. 😉

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