February 2021 Wrap-up

Hello everyone! Yes, it’s a new month, and yes I’m still alive. Thought it was about time for another semi-timely update.

So, without too much further ado, February!

[the writings]

In an absolutely shocking turn of events (well, to me at least) I actually managed to get some writing done this month! Mostly just some backstory scenes, but I’m succeeding in hyping myself up to finish this draft of Time Out of Mind/Long Lost, so hopefully that can get done within the next couple months.

My writing record hasn’t been impressive lately, but February was impressive, compared.

[the musics]

No really shocking new discoveries in the music realm of things, mostly just some Lost and Person of Interest soundtrack listening. Also a few of John Guerra’s songs are pretty neat.
and it’s super good, I like it a lot. 🙂

[the stories]

books: Piranesi by Susanna Clarke – Because the youngins I’ve been mentoring on the OYAN forum somehow got to be more pretentious than me and keep recommending me books. This one was super confusing at first, but really well done, I liked it. The whole thing felt like a puzzle box and it was super cool how everything unfolded.
The Faithful Spy: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and The Plot To Kill Hitler by John Hendrix. This one’s like part historical kids book, part graphic novel, and it’s done mainly in two colors, blue and red. And the color contrast and symbolism are really well done and interesting, plus I feel like I learned a lot and got a new perspective on Germany during the war. Not just for kids, I recommend it highly.
Also not as much my personal reading, but my mom’s rereading The Viking Quest Series by Lois Walfrid Johnson to the younger ones in the family. And honestly? I don’t feel as bad about my earlier writing now. I was trying to imitate these books’ writing style and I think I accomplished that well. -pats younger me on the back- nice.

movies: I’ve been a renegade while trapped inside from the snow + being sick, so I’ve found a few free movie sites and caught up on a few movie recommendations from friends. Good way to pass the time.
The King’s Speech: Cool, artistic, great story. All around nicely done.
Jojo Rabbit: Tore my heart out. Also A+. -tearful thumbs up-
Catch Me If You Can: Felt like it was missing a central moral point? And I skipped a scene or two, but it was a fun heisty movie.
Dead Poets Society: Had some good moments, but I’m not a huge fan. Kind of felt like it shot itself in the foot thematically with that ending, but oh well.
Knight & Day: Mission Impossible on crack, I still love it.

shows: Lost: Unsurprisingly. When is it not Lost? But I’ve gotten some other older members of the OYAN community to watch it lately, so I’ve had many more discussions based around it and rewatched a few bits and pieces for more reference and… there’s so much to still pick apart, it’s amazing. (Also Jack has some excellent development in the middle seasons that I never fully appreciated until now. ❤ )
Person Of Interest: Second time all the way through! I was honestly only expecting to show my family the first season or two of this one just since it gets a little darker/more serious later on. But we watched through the whole thing! And everyone liked it! And I can discuss all my feelings on this story and these characters with my whole family now! Also I spotted so many more layers on the second time through, so there really is a lot to discuss. This show is amazing and I appreciate it even more now, that is all.

(really, who needs any other shows? I just keep rewatching the two best ones and I’m all set.)

[the cookings]

I feel like this is actually where most of my creative energy has been going lately, since I’ve gotten two great new cookbooks and have been trying out a ton of recipes from them.
So buckle down everyone, I’ve got some food pictures to share.

Tarte Tropezienne: basically a cakey thing with pastry cream in the middle. Kinda fell apart but it looked good for a bit.

Coriander Brioche Twists: Definitely wanna make these again, they were super tasty and unique. ❤

Garlic rosemary focaccia!
Chive sour cream rolls!
Totally felt like Remy from Ratatouille making this thing. xD
And it tasted great when it was done cooking too! (Potatoes Anna from the new Smitten Kitchen cookbook.) I made another batch the next day.

So there are my kitchen adventures for the month. I’ll probably have more to come this month.

[the funnies]
[the life things]

Seems like pretty well across the whole country, February was very cold and snowy. I got a good dose of that. I was quite frozen this month.

Work at my new(er) job, being a hostess, has continued to be pretty cool. I like my coworkers, plus working just mornings. Even if I had to bundle up like an eskimo to get to work this past month. xD

Purim was just at the end of this month! We had fun with that. Lots of costumes and cookies and friends, as usual.

All that, plus the cooking and show-watching… since most of this month was a trapped-indoors sort of thing, I think that about covers it.

[up next]

Well, I’m gonna be turning 22 this month, for one. For two, I’m scared to try and predict another March, but at least we can count on some warmer weather and spring flowers, and honestly? That’s plenty good for me.

Peace out ’til next time, guys. Don’t die this March, let’s make up for last year. ❤


5 thoughts on “February 2021 Wrap-up

  1. YOU’rE TuRnInG WhAt ThAT’s IlEGAL *pats your shoulder and grins at you* I’ve missed you good to see you’re alive I loved all the funnies
    Dead Poet’s Society was really awesome and I find your perspective on it so interesting. I don’t know if I agree or not.

Any thoughts?