Happy 8th birthday to my poor, abandoned blog-child

I’ve been advised that I don’t actually need to make a dramatic apology/explanation post as I make my return. But here I am regardless, being dramatic.

Hello everyone! It’s been forever! I’ve missed you all a lot, and had no intention of taking such a long hiatus. But I’m back now.

I’ve been more seriously wanting to start posting again, because I have things to post. And when I hopped on WordPress for the first time in Too Long, my first notification told me it’s been 8 years ago today that I made my home in this particular corner of the internet.

Rather a serendipitous notification, and a good indicator to follow my impulse and post something tonight.

A few exciting things that have happened in the while since I was gone:

  • I got a car! It’s cool and blue and has stickers all over it.
  • I finished my second draft of my time travel novel! Probably the longest novel project I’ve ever had to deal with, but at least it’s over with now.
  • I now have a niece! She is incredibly cute.
  • I collect vinyl records with my brother now! Unexpected but pretty fun development
  • Honestly I’m blanking now, but all those things still feel like a lot to me.

I’m still at the same job and still in the same house (thank goodness), I still take pictures and cook and walk my dog all over the place. I still like Lost, etc. Have no fear, I’m the same person who left.

So anyway.

It’s been 8 years since I started the blog, 8 months since my last post, and I’m ready to boot up the shenanigans again. Good to be back.


8 thoughts on “Happy 8th birthday to my poor, abandoned blog-child

  1. YAY YOU’RE BACK! I found your blog last year and have since happily devoured Blank Mastermind, The Powers that Be, and Say Uncle. Your stories are absolutely fantastic and they make me so happy.
    Can’t wait to see what you have coming up on the blog!




    “Hip hip, hurrah!

    Hip hip, hurrah!

    Hip hip—” *cue Capt. Horatio yelling, “GET BACK TO WORK!”*

    Eight years, wow. ❤

    1. Awwww a warm welcome ❤ ;-;
      I was literally watching a Hornblower scene in the background when I read this comment and I grinned way too big. Some things don't change. ❤ Don't worry, Captain Hornblower, I'm getting back to work right away. xD

      I KNOW. I have siblings that are younger than this blog and that's wild to think about.

      1. That's amazing. Thank you for telling me that. xD I'm glad some things don't change. Think I'd go mad otherwise.

        Wowz. That's pretty crazy.

  3. Congratulations on the blog birthday!! Whewhoo! 8 years feels like a lot. Missed you on the blogosphere. I’ve recently started rewatching Lost. Haven”t found another show quite like it. New cars can be exciting!

Any thoughts?